

Question by  dee123 (51)

Is my spouse entitled to half my inheritance if we divorce?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If you received the inheritance while married and you live in a community property state, she gets half. If you received the inheritance after the divorce, she gets nothing. If you do not live in a community property state, consult an attorney as to whether she can receive any part of it.


Answer by  DannyBatt (75)

Definately maybe. Depending on your state of residence, and when you received (or will receive) the inheritance, you spouse is likely entitled to a share of your inheritance.


Answer by  ahhmericanwoman (102)

It depends on the laws where you live. Other things factor in ~ did you have a prenuptual agreement? How long were you married? Did you have any children together? Your lawyer can tell you what is applicable in your particular case.

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