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Question by  babs70 (18)

Is it worth buying Mexican-made western boots?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Mexican-made boots are extremely well made. They have a really good air flow system which helps the ventilation in the boot. This also helps to keep one's feet dry. Also, they are very comfortable which is not a common characteristic of most western boots.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

As with other things, the range of mexican-made goods varies quite a bit. I have been happy with my boots which are Mexican-made, keep in mind that the culture is much the same on both sides of the border, cowboy culture extends considerably past the Rio Grande so authentic boots can come from Mexico.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

Western boots were hot again this fall, so you can get a decent pair at most major retailers at a good price. Even department stores have them now.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

It really all depends. Do you prefer the most authentic western boots? Do you mind what materials they are made of? For example, does it bother you they may be made of lizard skin, etc? If you said "yes" and "no" & "no", you should go with the Mexican boot.


Answer by  baubles26 (29)

Yes it is worth it. They are a handcrafted item that will be appreciated for their one of a kind beauty. They come in a wide range of styles and colors. The handcrafted look is very different from the western boots made in the United States. The quality is top notch.


Answer by  yodawg (86)

Mexican-made western boots are some of the best around. Avoid cheap knock offs and always haggled down to a better price.

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