

Question by  pickyouoff24 (28)

Is it legal to tow cars behind motorhomes?


Answer by  Serafinah (232)

It is completely legal to tow a car behind a motorhome, but the towing equipment must be safe and pass DOT inspections in many states. The length must be closely watched as well, as the length of the RV and car must NOT exceed a certain number of feet in total.


Answer by  roger (199)

It is not legal in Uk and other parts of europe,But in US it is in certain states. To tow a car behind a home it must be flat or broke down. Even then you might be stopped and fined by the highway patrol. Best is to load it in a stand.


Answer by  Samantha64 (120)

It is usually legal, but some jurisdictions may have length restrictions you should be aware of. Check with Departments of Transportation in states where you'll be traveling, and plan your route carefully to avoid weight-zoned bridges. You may also need special insurance to cover your car when it is being towed.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Automobiles towed behind motorhomes, must be attached by a tow bar. There should be noboby in the car, and it should have license plates. It must have brake lights and turn signals that work when the motorhome turns or brakes. All the windows must be clear and their must be gas in it.

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