
 eyes  sleep


Question by  DrDon (25)

Is it bad to take naps in contact lenses?


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

In the long run, it can be a very bad thing to nap in contact lenses. You're eyes dry out and go into REM, which means a lot of rapid movement that can cause the contact to slip around other parts of the eye, or dry them out.


Answer by  mjjaegly (211)

The worst that can happen is the eyes will turn red. That also depends how long you sleep in them. If you just take like a 20 min. nap then they shouldn't. Also your contact lenses might be dry just blink a few times or use drops.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

It can be. When you fall asleep with your contacts in, your cornea swells due to lack of oxygen. Short term effects can include pain and blurred vision. If you do it frequently or for long periods, it can cause ulcers. Try and take them out before a nap.


Answer by  Tracy74 (229)

Yes because your eyes need a rest and self clean while asleep, also you have REM that is rapid eye movements when asleep this can irritate the eyes and make them blood shot.

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