

Question by  lotus16 (18)

Is it a law in the US that the steering wheel has to be on the left?


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

There is no law that says all american cars must be left hand drive. Most postal vehicles are actually right-hand drive. American cars are like this because they are easier to drive on our road layout. Other countries that have the other style are better suited to right-hand drive cars.


Answer by  J65 (65)

This isn't a law. However, it is discouraged because it's more difficult to operate a right-hand drive vehicle on American roads. It's okay to drive a right-hand drive car in the U.S. as long as it meets smog and crash test requirements.


Answer by  TamanduaGirl (77)

The steering wheel can be on either side in the USA. It is legal to drive cars imported which have the wheel on the right side. Postal vehicles usually have the steering wheel on the right and vehichles used for instructing often have a wheel on both sides.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

Yes. It has to be on the left. Either side is legal in some countries but any vehicle that will be registered and used on legal roads must be a right sided wheel.

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