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dental care


Question by  Orchidee3 (24)

Is endocal good for a root canal?

I need to know if I can take endocal after a root canal.


Answer by  Taran (716)

Endocal 10 as gutta percha alternatives? I was told by one of the dentists that they are much safer, and then by the other dentist, that they are only temporary and not a permanent solution like gutta percha. Gutta percha root canals are VERY DANGEROUS and lead to heart inflamation, prostatitis, prostate cancer, liver and intestinal problem.


Answer by  mani (813)

Yes. It has least toxic filling materials. This can be done as same as standard root canal. It is a paste which spun into the root canals.


Answer by  vineetha20 (120)

Endocal contains calcium oxide in ethyl glycol which when combines with water is an exellent root canal materials. But it has some side effects like pain,discomfort.


Answer by  guru94 (-2)

Biocalex (recently marketed under the new name Endocal) is a system and set of materials used for root canal treatment. Many "holistic" or "alternative" dentists have long held the view that root canals are "bad" and should be avoideBiocalex/Endocal is a root canal medication/filler that uses

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