

Question by  resolutionimage (23)

Is cortisone okay for dogs?


Answer by  patti (29325)

There area variety of conditions for which cortisone might be prescribed for a dog. It is important to administer the medication exactly as directed by the veterinarian. The dog should only be taking medication prescribed or directed by the vet. Medication, for the most part, is not interchangeable between people and their pets.


Answer by  Sydney (87)

Corisone is okay in low doses, but can eventually lead to Cushings disease. It also has other side effects such as weight gain and over hydration. I would recommend Atopica, as it has no side effects and is totally safe.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Cortisone is OK with dogs, as it is with people, within strict specifications prescribed by a professional. It can give great alleviation to conditions, but only a vet can tell.


Answer by  Godfather (116)

Yes, but it should be administered by a veterinarian. I've had a couple of dogs use cortisone in the past, either for seasonal allergies or to recover from an injury.


Answer by  concernedone (42)

Human cortisone cremes in low doses are usually okay to use on dogs in most cases. However they are not usually as effective because the dog will lick the creme off.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Yes, as long as you follow the dosing instructions properly. They make cortisone specifically for dogs as well, so you can buy that.

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