

Question by  silenceinspace (21)

Is an egg part of the chicken's period?


Answer by  tessamalk (466)

Fertility cycles in mammals and birds are somewhat different; but in short, yes. During menstruation, an egg is released (although this is a lot less... gross... in chickens than in humans). It must then be fertilized by a male in order to develop.


Answer by  JakeLamps (15)

An egg is generally formed on a daily basis in a mature hen - it is part of the ovulation of a chicken but it has nothing to do with what you refer to as a chicken's "period". That is a term that applies to mammals, but not to chickens.


Answer by  soccer593 (476)

Chickens ovulate just like humans. The difference is that chickens will lay an egg whether it is fertilized or not. A chicken technically does not have a period because it has no uterus.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

You can see it that way, since only a few breeds of chickens lay every day. Only when the eggs are fertilized do they tend to them, and the egg serves to house the chick. So even though the menstrual cycle is only really for mammals, I guess you could view egg laying the same way.

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