pet health


Question by  tbailer (48)

Is amoxicillin a common medication given to for an infection?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Most animals that are kept as pets (cats, dogs, rodents, etc) cannot tolerate amoxicillin or any other penicillan variant, especially when given orally. Might be worth a second opinion.


Answer by  cmkekbif (778)

Yes this is common as it is a basic antiobiotic and has been used to treat a variety of infections for years.


Answer by  Mumma (483)

Most animals (dogs, cats, small rodents) cannot tolerate penicillin or any of its cognates (e. g. amoxicillin). It is not commonly given to pets for infection.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

It can be, it depends on the cause of the ear infection. Amoxicillin is commonly used for upper respiratory in cats. The antibiotic clavamox is commonly used as a broad spectrum antibiotic and can also be used for a cut or wound that's infected. There are many antibiotics and different ones are used for different purposes.

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