
 age  legal


Question by  Tracy (15)

Is a notarized power of attorney statement legal for a senior citizen?


Answer by  withluck (1745)

As long as the senior citizen is mentally competent, a notarized power of attorney can be used to allow another person to handle or manage their affairs. A specific power of attorney will allow for decisions to be made for only the matter specified in the statement.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Anyone can prepare a Power of Attorney and have it notarized. Age is not a factor. In fact, it is most reasonable for a senior to create a POA.


Answer by  Ed57 (95)

Yes, any person of rational mind, without legal disability, intending to appoint another to act for him or her, and not living in a jurisdiction that prohibits such appointment, may designate an agent-in-fact to do matters and transact business for the principal.


Answer by  jewels (13)

As long as the power of attorney is notarized and the senior citizen is able to sign the document and get it notarized, the age of the senior citizen is irrelevant.


Answer by  Robio (24)

Yes, a power of attorney is valid unless a court has determined that the senior citizen lacks the capacity to make decisions for him or herself. Even then, a durable power of attorney remains valid if the person was capacitated when the document was signed.


Answer by  rolew1 (2)

my sister says she has power of attorney over my mom but we've never seen a copy of the power of attorney. How would I find out if she has the power of attorney?

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