

Question by  ramesh (17)

Is a dishwasher vent necessary?


Answer by  palmerino (637)

Yes. If it wasn't necessary, why would the engineers have it on there. The moisture needs to escape, or you could get mold.


Answer by  meena (400)

Most of the dishwashers need not have ventilation facility. Some dishwashers have at the right side top where the water drains. By having a vent it gets dries fast and the water gets drained out easily. The dish washer hose has to be looped up. The dishwasher should have a gadget facility to drain the water.


Answer by  japratt (1687)

I would say that the vent on your dishwasher is not necessary. You should be able to still clean all of your dishes in your dishwasher and not have any problems.

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