

Question by  annie30 (105)

Is a 14-inch rim big?

Or is it ridiculously small?


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

A rim of this size borders on average, same as the 15-inch rim. These are the most common sizes for cars. A 13 inch is small and anything larger than 15, is considered a truck rim. If you want to jack up your vehicle for some reason and like the tires huge, the 14-inch rim is not that big.


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

14 inches is about as small as it gets on most standard cars now. I'd say the average is 16 or 17 inches, there might be some 13 inchers out there. 20 used to be large and popular but now some even go higher.


Answer by  bigmomma (16)

Depends on the vehicle. This is a standard size for import cars from Japan but would be quite small for large American cars and too small for a truck.

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