how to


Question by  funnystuffislove (29)

In gardening, how should I go about pruning flowering bushes?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

When pruning, cut back, at the first outside shoot on each branch, do not cut back from an inside shoot. Cut any straggly branches back the plant will then grow stronger.


Answer by  design1 (21)

Shrubs that flower in spring--such as forsythia or lilac, should be pruned shortly after they bloom. If you prune any later, you will be cutting off the next year's blooms. Shrubs that bloom later can be pruned anytime.


Answer by  Carol37 (569)

In general, all flowering bushes should be pruned soon after the flowers die. You can prune back about 1/3 of the stems, but keep the appearance of the bush in mind.If you wait too long, the bush will set next years flowers and you will cut those off.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Alot of people do it in the fall alot of people do it in the spring I do mine in the spring and only take the dead.

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