health conditions


Question by  christina101286 (5)

If my two year old's lymphocytes are abnormal (3279) what does that mean?


Answer by  benjiross (993)

The commonest cause for such a low count is a viral or severe infection and this should be treated. If the hemoglobin (RBC count) and platelet count are also low or if this low count persists a hematologist should be consulted to do a bone marrow examination to rule out blood cancer (leukemia) or aplastic anemia.


Answer by  darla (94)

High lymphocytes can be cused by a number of things. One such thing is a blood transfusion. There are other possible reasons as well, ranging from common sicknesses such as the flu or chicken pox. But also more serious and rare sicknesses like tuberculosis, mumps, rubella, varicella, whooping cough. However high levels of lymphocytes can also be caused by leukemia.


Answer by  IsmaraNadir (31)

Abnormal lymphocytes means that the child is suffering from leukaemia. That is the cancer of white blood cells. The bone marrow fails to produce normal blood cells. Diagnosed through LUMBER PUNCTURE TEST. It is more common in boys. The white blood cells provide immunity. The most effective treatment is the CHEMOTHERAPY. However bone marrow transplantation is also affective.


Answer by  kv1238 (81)

Normal leukocyte count can vary depending on the testing just due to the fact that it is done by humans. The normal range is anywhere between 10,000-4,000. Because your childs is lower than 4,000 there could be some underlying causes. This cause maybe aplastic anemia (bone marrow not properly producing WBC's)


Answer by  christina101286 (5)

I just got lab results in the mail and I have to wait for the doctor to go over them with me. But I want to know what that means My son is only two years old and his cdc came back abonormal. If someone knows please HELP! thank you


Answer by  kquick (1)

We just were told that our 4 yr old had "Abnormal Lymphocytes" on her blood work. What does that mean? Any thoughts????

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