


Question by  katja (28)

If I have pain between my shoulder blades should I see a doctor?


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

An occasional pain isn't anything to worry about, they come and go as we age and lifestyle changes. But if it is a sharp, driving pain or a constant problem that is interfering with your life, then definitely. Muscle and bones problems can get worse over time if not properly managed.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Yes, this could be a sign of many things. Heart problems, lung, gallbladder problems. Tell him when you get the pains, during the day or at night when you are sleeping. Tell him also what you ate before you got the pain. I know that fatty foods could cause a reaction to gallbladder problems.


Answer by  Ferrant (69)

The questions you have to ask yourself are: How long this pain has been lasting? Is the pain increasing? Does a basic aspirin pill can stop the pain? Does this pain makes you breathless when doing an effort even a small one? Depending on the answers you have to see a doctor.


Answer by  Dixie (60)

If you are having sharp pain that can not be relieved with heat or massage I would see a doctor if it is between your shoulder blades it could be spine pain from an injury or strain. Also could be muscle cramp try heat and gentle massage if this does nor relieve the pain See a Doctor

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