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health conditions


Question by  ortiz22 (1)

If I have balls in my calf, is rolling them out with a rolling pin helpful?


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

You should never roll any bumps on your body out with a rolling pin. This can cause muscular strain and tissue damage. You need to evaluate why you have the calf problems in the first place. If it is a strenuous exercise, take a break from that activity for awhile.


Answer by  amypuk3y (21)

If you mean something like a Charlie horse or cramp then: 1. Put a heat pad over to loosen muscles 2. Walk around to possibly get the muscles moving 3. Knead it Using a rolling pin will only add pressure to your calves and the last thing you need is to apply more pressure on tightened muscles.


Answer by  hawgmom883aolcom (51)

No i don't believe the rolling pin would help .. maybe just trying to rub them with a little bit of medicated cream .


Answer by  heatherfeather34 (4)

I have found that rolling pins work great at working out the balls in my calf muscles after a hard workout or strain.

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