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Question by  erinciolli (1)

I went camping and now i have five red spots that have blistered. They hurt when touched. What could it be?


Answer by  HilaryC (1382)

They may be bug or spider bites. First get neosporin or some other antibiotic and make sure it is cleaned. Make sure you get to the doctor to be sure though. They can also be an allergic reaction to something. If they itch and have a red raised ring around them, it is most likely a spider bite.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

This could be a mild case of Poison oak or Poison Ivy. You may also have an allergic reaction from something you were exposed to during the camping trip.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

There are numerous things in the woods that would cause sore red spots. The most likely cause are insect bites.

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