health conditions


Question by  grillmaster (8)

I have occasional numbness in my hand, should I see a doctor?


Answer by  SandyG (807)

If it prevents you from doing normal activities with your hand, yes, see a doctor. If you do a lot of typing or craft work with your hands, it may be a matter of changing your technique and posture.


Answer by  John88 (34)

You should to a doctor for any type of numbness to your extremities. This could be a more serious condition, which is manifesting intially as numbness.


Answer by  ToralDwivedi (606)

Occasional numbness in certain fixed area of hand is because of nerve compression in the neck region. The nerve supply of hand via brachial plexus comes in physical contact with cervical vertebra and this causes numbness/ neuritis. Please do xray and MRI of C4 to C8 vertebrae for exact diagnisis.


Answer by  anilaesther (47)

The basic remedy to numbness is to shoe the hand in cold water, if still this problem exists very often then you can consult an orthopedic doctor.

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