health conditions


Question by  jojo (14)

I have cysts in my armpit, what should I do?


Answer by  pinoot1976 (267)

You should have a physician or surgeon examine to confirm whether they are indeed cysts. Lumps occuring at the armpits may be either an enlarged or infected sweat gland. It could also be and enlarged lymph node, of which when present should be thoroughly examined. True cystic massess are of mostly lymphatics in origin.


Answer by  Mary15 (347)

If it causes discomfort, you will have to make a trip to the doctors office. Cysts usually do not go away and if it is an abscess which is basically the same thing full of fluid, it will have to be surgically removed. They will most likely drain it.


Answer by  DStone (817)

Never try to drain them yourself. Go to a doctor and have them drained (you'll have to shave the hair completely) then have an allergy test to see if there is something in your deororant or anti-persirant that you may be having a reaction to. Always check the ingrediance when chosing a personal care product, even soap.


Answer by  MarkSmith (46)

With out more detailed information I can't provide you with much help. I strongly suggest that you seek advise from a medical professional. They will need to see you and examine the cysts to provide you with meaningful advise.

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