health conditions


Question by  JacobH (25)

I am feeling weak and tired, what should I do?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Exercise increases blood flow and will give you energy. Nutrition is also a leading culprit to your lack of energy. Eat protein, dairy, and fruits. Eat complex carbohydrates because they give you energy for longer. Dark green vegetables are high in iron and iron is important in having high energy.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

drink a coffee, get some more sleep, get your iron levels checked, stop smoking weed, and eat some food today


Answer by  SandyG (807)

If you have a cold, you will feel this way. Eat a healthy diet. If you feel that way more than a week, it is time to see your doctor.


Answer by  BL99 (54)

Find the causes first. Work too hard without sufficient rest? Then take some time off to relax. Otherwise, a health problem? See a doctor and have physical exams.

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