

Question by  DougKueffler (23)

How soon can you find out you are pregnant with a blood test?


Answer by  Jenna16 (224)

A blood test can accurately determine pregnancy about a week after ovulation. A blood test resulting in a quantitative hormone greater than 5 means that you are pregnant.


Answer by  errika69 (167)

There are now blood tests available that determine pregnancy as early as five days before a missed period. These tests are usually more sensitive and accurate than at home pregnancy tests.


Answer by  Taran (716)

Pregancy can be found after 5-6 days of sex, if you had sex in ovulation period. Sperms can staty live in proper enviroment till 5 days. The day you had sex without precaution, fertalization can take 5days too. So after 5days you can get blood test done.


Answer by  sc773 (79)

7-12 days. And is also close to urine tests. As when the hormones are in the blood at a detectable level it's also in the urine. There are different blood tests, but haven't been developed as one to two days advance notice isn't meaningful (or profitable).

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