


Question by  suburbancow (22)

How should I winterize grass in my yard?


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Do not. Leave it alone and it will regrow, provided you did not plant inadequate grass, suited best for warm weather, such as crab grass.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

That may depend on how severe the winters are where you live. In general you may want to put down some time released fertilizer while it's still growing season so some will still be there come spring. Leave the grass a little taller than normal, it will winter better.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

When you cut the grass for the last time before the winter starts raise the blades on the mower and do not cut to short. This will help protect the grass from frost and stop weeds growing.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

I have never winterized my grass the winter is actually a really good weed killer because it freezes out the roots of the weeds and if you can catch them when they first pop up they are easy to get rid of.


Answer by  crazycool (145)

Most important - get the leaves off! You don't want the grass suffocating all winter. Havinging your lawn free of leaves is going to let your grass get oxygen. This way, it won't choke when it's snowed over.

posted by Anonymous
Grass doesn't 'breath' oxygen.  add a comment
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