

Question by  TheCatLady (31)

How should I prepare for auditions for Harry Potter?


Answer by  HilaryC (1382)

Well they're done with the actual movies, but if it's a local production, read the books, watch the movies, and study your character. Learn everything you can about them there and any extra information you can find online from JK Rowling.


Answer by  Kayne (6)

You should know the material, characters, and tone of the piece. Pick out parts that you think you will be good at, and practice them. Always have multiple roles in mind and prepare to show more than one character.


Answer by  ray16 (65)

First of all you must have watched the whole series at least three times. First is for your enjoyment, second is watching only for the Harry character and his usage of gesture and voice while the third one is for making up for what you have missed in the second go. Only after that you can really begin to work.


Answer by  vivianleigh (343)

It would be a good start to have read all the Harry Potter books. In addition, I would recommend watching the Harry Potter movies and studying the actor you are auditioning for very well. You will need to learn the mannerisms. This will be a big help in your audition.


Answer by  docsmith (43)

Candidates for the role of Harry Potter should present themselves as small, disheveled boys and be prepared to fly a broom, disappear under a cloak, or outsmart a vicious serpent. Most importantly, they should practice blowing the snot out of just about anything with a magic wand.

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