

Question by  Raketemensch (54)

How should I choose an antiperspirant for women?


Answer by  cammieo (169)

The best way to find an antiperspirant for women is to to the local drugstore and pick one or two that you think smell nice. Then try them out to see if they work for your sweat type and your smell preference. You may have to test several brands to find one that you like.


Answer by  gummie (738)

Recent studies show that an antiperspirant is not a good thing for people to use. It inhibits the natural ability of the sweat glands. A deodorant controls odor but does not interfere with the perspiration process. Also, many antiperspirants contain aluminum which may be a cause for increased breast tumors.


Answer by  CrystalEg (500)

First, search for an antiperspirant that has a smell you like, is advertised as a 24-hour antiperspirant, and is affordable by your budget. Also, it's important to purchase a brand that's trustworthy and known for being reliable and high quality. Lastly, there are many ingredients within antiperspirants that you should make sure you're not allergic to.


Answer by  babilot (158)

Use an antiperspirant that is not the powder solid. Or the liquid. Usually the clear stick is the best. It doesn't show up on clothes, and it seems to work better. Never choose an antiperspirant that has too much fragrance, because it mixes with your perfume and usually doesn't work well.


Answer by  judy63 (98)

It depends on the women. If she is carefree, then get something that has a tangy kinda uplifting scent. On the other hand if the woman is a woman of the world type, then choose a scent that is sofisticate. If she is the cutie type, then something that smells sweet. Kinda play it by ear, you know your woman.

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