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Should I buy a refurbished notebook computer?
What are some tips to consider when buying a notebook?
Question by MasterAC (9)
I am considering buying a refurbished computer.
Answer by thiefraccoon (266)
i have bought at least 4 refurbishes computers (1 desktop, 2 laptops, 1 netbook), and had no problem with all of them. looks,feels, and runs like brand new!
Answer by BrokenWits (382)
Refurbished laptops are usually pretty reliable. Just be wary, as you will not have as long a warranty (if at all), and it is older/used.
Answer by pradonog (117)
Some of the good one may be dependable, but i suggest you consider to buy a new one cause the price is not so high anymore.
Answer by Me51 (357)
Generally as good as a new computer. The warrenty is often similar and you can always buy an extended one. They are a great deal, go for it!
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