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health treatments


Question by  ann96 (20)

How often should you do a lymphatic cleanse and are they really healthy?

I would like to detox my lymphatic system and want to make sure it is safe to do and know how often I should do it.


Answer by  mb (5482)

These lymphatic cleanse systems are a load of useless nonsense. Your body works just fine by itself. Get enough sleep and exercise, eat well and you'll be fine. If you're lymphatic system isn't working right you'll have very severe complications (swelling, infection etc) that you would notice right away. Save your money.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

If you are ill and an alternative medical professional recommends such treatment, you should follow their advise. I would say it should only take one treatment, after that you should make lifestyle and dietary changes to prevent needing continued treatments. Its easier to stay healthy than to get healthy.

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