

Question by  clyn (51)

How often should 2 month old baby eat?


Answer by  Nicole24 (50)

Depending on whether you are nursing your baby or formula feeding your baby, a 2 month old baby should eat approximately every 2 to 4 hours. Formula fed babies generally go longer between feedings due to the harder to digest nature of formula vs. breast milk.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

A two month old baby will need to eat every three to five hours depending on the size of the baby and if he or she was a full term or was premature.


Answer by  beenthere13 (197)

Babies at this age will typically let you know when they are hungry. They will generally indicate hunger by sucking on their fingers, crying, or being agitated. Feeding schedules can vary widely depending on if the infant is formula fed or breastfed, but generally speaking infants this age will feed every 2-3 hours.


Answer by  Mary (2095)

Every two to three hours if breastfed and three to four if formula fed. If the baby is over 13 lbs. , then the baby can go longer and even possibly if you are very lucky, all night long. This is most often not the case and the baby will still wake at night to eat.

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