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Question by  freebird (225)

How much time does it take to make rough or chipped stone tools?

I love the look of home made tools but am not sure if I have the time to do it.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Unless you have a lot of experience it can take awhile. It is a pretty slow process anyway but can take longer depending on what type of rocks you use.


Answer by  Jelly69 (163)

It doesn't take too much time. If you want to make your own tools there are books you can read. It might take roughly 1 hour for a good knife.


Answer by  stoney (5)

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to days, depending on what stone you are using many times you can just break a rock and be done.


Answer by  rajahassaan (149)

if you want to make rough stone tool then it will take approximately 2 hour and if you want to make chipped stone tools then it will take approximately 4 hours and also depend upon your speed and ability.


Answer by  tomcat1020 (4)

I would imagine it takes quite a long time to make rough or chipped stone tools, although my expertise is limited.

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