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Question by  rob (22)

How much should an antique player piano cost?


Answer by  Nikki (22)

Antique pianos would typically cost between $8,000-$25,000. The cost depends on how old the piano is, what condition it is in, and whether it still works. Of course dependent on those conditions, the average cost would be around $17,500. There are some places you can shop for antique piano with highly creditble backgrounds.


Answer by  ckeller (104)

A fully restored, working, antique, player piano with a few music rolls can cost as little as five thousand dollars or as much as twenty-five thousand dollars.


Answer by  Someone83 (166)

It would vary though I'd say perhaps $8,000-$25,000+. However, the best bet would be to get it appraised by a professional since they could appraise it much more accurately.


Answer by  beck (1099)

Antique player pianos are found in upright style and a much rarer baby grand style. The later in good working order could run in the thousands. Upright player pianos should run in the low hundreds. Pianos are expensive to move and can sometimes be found free, you just move it.


Answer by  hickspolishgirl (15)

An antique player piano should cost slightly lower than the appraised value as determined by the antiques' appraiser. The condition of the piano will determine the value.


Answer by  eglennking (22)

Depending on the condition of the piano, and if you have to have it restored. The average price should be between $900 and $1200 if repair or restoration is needed.


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

The cost should depend on the age, quality, and mechanics of the piano. It is also important to know who the manufacturer is.

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