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Question by  Porthos (20)

How many times a week should I water my African Violet?


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

Not even once per week and water it from the roots. You want to put it into a dish and use the dish as the water source so the water doesn't hit the leaves.


Answer by  harper2583 (466)

You should water your plant every other day. Make sure that when you waer your plant you wanna water it in the evening so it dont burn.


Answer by  worker8388 (994)

Water the plant after the top of the soil become dry. Watering will depends on light and heat. We can also use Shulz fertilizer if the plants are flowering properly. Make sure to fertilize on every watering. In the winter have less watering and fertilizer.


Answer by  ammnivarghese (262)

The african iolet plants are very delicate and since they need very less water. These plants should be kept in the shade, and the water should be sprayed if possible.


Answer by  CHIRAGSHAH (116)

Aviod excess watering. Don't let soil to dry. Soil should be moist. Watering should be done once OR as twice in month from top side.

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