how much


Question by  chopperdriver (1)

How many kilograms (or lbs.) of grape seeds does it take a liter of grapeseed oil?


Answer by  sammy34 (6)

One liter of grapseed oil has approximately 34 ounces in it. It takes three dozen grapes to make one pound, and one pound makes about 1 ounce of grapeseed oil. Therefore you would need about three times 34, and this is 102 pounds of grapes.

posted by Anonymous
it takes one ton of grapes to make about 2 litres of grapeseed oil  add a comment

Answer by  tsaifee94 (6)

it takes a a 3 dozen grapes, which is about one pound, to produce 1 ounce of grape seeds. one liter = about 34 ounces. which means it takes 34 ouces of grape seeds and 102 pounds of grapes.

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