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Question by  GLSmith (21)

How many contractions working on military bases?


Answer by  patti (29325)

If you are referring to contractors, there are many independent contractors working on military bases, both in the US and on American bases elsewhere in the world. The military contracts a number of services, depending on its needs in any given situation. There is no set number of contractors as the number changes with the needs of the military.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There are a variety of contractors that work on military bases, both in the U. S. and in other countries. These contractors perform many services, including food service, maintenance, construction, IT and more. Some contract are short-term, others are not.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

I assume you mean "contractors." The U.S. military hires contractors to do a variety of jobs on its bases within the U.S. as well as on bases in other countries. The number of contractors engaged at any one time varies as the needs of the military bases vary. There is no set number.

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