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Question by  PeuFeuDeux (29)

How many blind people use the internet?


Answer by  dank (114)

Alot. There are many programs and applications available to help blind people use the internet. They are able search there favorite topics and read emails, just like you.


Answer by  Key9 (98)

Thousands. 900,000 is estimated by the American Foundation for the Blind, but worldwide there will be a lot more. The number is increasing steadily as the population lives longer.


Answer by  turtlegirl36 (19)

Millions of blind people use the internet with many different types of interface devices. Such devices made it possible for all blind people to be able to use the internet.


Answer by  bikermicefrmars (100)

With the same level of curiosity I once decided to get the answer to this question. Once I read a review which claimed that a lot, I repeat, a lot of blind people have been using the internet. That is solely because of numerous application built to assist them do this job. They read emails and surf just like us.

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