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Question by  deb74 (164)

How many airports are there in Minneapolis?

I hear a lot about them in the news.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

The twin cities of Minneapolis- St. Paul have one international airport. The airport is sometimes referred to as the Minneapolis airport, the St. Paul airport or the Minneapolis-St.Paul airport. It is confusing, but there is actually just one.


Answer by  docsmith (43)

There are at least three airports in Minneapolis; the largest being the Minneapolis/St Paul International Airport (MSP). Due north of Minneapolis/St Paul Int'l is Anoka County-Blaine airport, and north-west of it is the Crystal airport (MIC). Another airport, located a little further out to the south-east is Rochester International (RST).


Answer by  Kliqfly (11)

As far as i know, there are only two airports first of them is st.Paul international airport and the other one is crystal airport. I hope my answer helped you to solve your problem.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

There is just one. It is located near the Mall of America. It is a huge one that is always being remodeled, and made better. It is called the Minneapolis Saint Paul airport, or the MSP Airport for short. I have used it many times and I grew up near it.

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