

Question by  antmanpastor (6)

How long will it take to recover from a crushed vertebrae?


Answer by  marriedlady (61)

It's very hard to give a concrete answer to this question. It really depends on the severity of the fracture and the overall fitness level of the individual. Each person heals at a different rate. Your physician can give you a reasonable estimate.


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

A crushed vertebrae is a pretty serious accident, so for full recovery it takes about 6 months to a year.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

It depends on how severe the injury is and how many vertebrae are crushed. Do not expect anything less than a year. It is a very serious injury that will require surgery and physical therapy. Also, you will have to be under constant care by a physician. It's important not to rush recovery for this kind of injury.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

In most cases, the doctors say you will recover in one year, but you still need to be very careful, it may take longer to really recover.


Answer by  Anonymous

i was wondering what are some medications to relieve the pain for crushed vertebrae

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