

Question by  buddah (17)

How long is pregnancy in chihuahua dogs?


Answer by  lpfirman (403)

The same as any other dog- gestation in chihuahuas takes between 60 and 64 days. This is a special concern for tiny breeds, to aviod large puppies and c-section.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

Sixty three days is the average gestation period for most dogs. However, chihuahuas can be as low as 56. Generally between 56-67 is a good estimate. The dog's overall health can effect the gestation period.


Answer by  mike50 (53)

Dogs in general have pregnancy term of about 62 days. Chihuahua typically give birth a couple of days earlier, but it varies widely. Often larger litters lead to reduced pregnancy terms.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

What is surprising for many dog owners to find out is the gestation for all breeds is about the same, 9 weeks. It doesn't matter the size of the dog.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The gestation period in ALL DOGS, no matter how big or how small, is nine weeks. Roughly a little more than two months. Keep an eye on your dog when she gets close in case she needs a C-section.

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