


Question by  candykitty13 (61)

How long does it take for felines to accept other felines?


Answer by  rvan73 (68)

Cats are individuals with their own unique temperments and personalities. Some cats are easy-going and will welcome a new companion readily, while others are nervous or territorial and can take months, even years, to accept a new cat, if they ever do. While there is no set timeline, cats of different ages and/or genders often accept each other more readily.


Answer by  PaintedRoadkill (504)

Every cat is different and some cats may never accept another. If you have patience and let things run there course things may work out in a few weeks.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Usually within 2 weeks you will see at least tolerance, but it can take 6-12 weeks. You just need patience, and let them work it out, don't force the issue.


Answer by  Tracy15 (821)

In my experience with cats I have found that it varies with the cat sometimes it will only take a few days for the cats to get along and sometimes it can take weeks but over time they will get to accept each other sooner or later.

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