

Question by  henry740 (37)

How long do you grill filet mignon?

What are the different times for the different "done-ness" levels?


Answer by  rabidfoodie (12)

It will depend on how you like your beef and your grilling method. Do you like it to be slightly pink? It will need about 4 minutes on each side on your charcoal grill or 5 minutes on each side under your broiler. Do you prefer it to be well done? Try 8 to 10 minutes each side respectively.


Answer by  klypos (271)

How rare can you stand eating your meat? The french will eat filet mignon "bleu" or "a point", bloody either way. Whatever, 3 to 5 minutes per side is usual.


Answer by  Haylow (7)

Medium Rare - 7-9 minutes per side. Medium - 9-11 minutes per side Done - 11-13 minute per side Well done - 13-15 per side

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