
 legal  taxes


Question by  DawnKnight (39)

How long do I keep state taxes?

Isn't there some sort of statute of limitations?


Answer by  Mary (2095)

The general rule is three years for personal records and ten years for business records with regard to taxes. This is mostly for your protection as evidence.


Answer by  markemark (34)

The IRS recommends that you keep them for three years. But most advisors suggest that you keep them for atleast seven years.


Answer by  TheAnswerFairy (2345)

You can only be audited going back 7 years, so there is really no reason to keep tax records from more than 8 years ago.


Answer by  Abbaskhan (78)

I dont the situation in US. But here in pakistan if you donnot pay your taxes for about more than a year, you will have to go to prison. And also pay the un paid taxes. In addition to this you would haveto pay a very huge fine to the government.

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