health conditions


Question by  birder (34)

How long do hemorrhoids last?


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

Hemorrhoids are swollen or inflamed veins in the rectum or anus. Sometimes patients may not even know they are present since they present with no symptoms. They usually last a few days and go away on their own.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

Hemorrhoids can last anywhere from a few days to weeks, to forever. This is a condition that is best treated when noticed in the early stage. You can use over the counter medication to help.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

3 days to a wk is the rule. Don't leave them untreated, or next time will be longer. Old fashioned sitz baths are still the best treatment.


Answer by  EST (75)

They can last a week to several months depending on the medical treatments used and the continuing stress put on the affected area; the more careful you are, the quicker they go away.

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