How deep do you plant apple seeds?
Is it okay to freeze apples for baking later?
Is there such a thing is apple seeds poison?
What advice can you give me on using an over seeder for my lawn?
What are my chances of actually growing an apple tree from seeds?
What is Apple Going to Name its Forthcoming Tablet?
What's in Apples?
fruit how does it work
Question by kwiklip (29)
I am doing a school project on apples.
Answer by catman529 (809)
The apple is the ovary, or the fruit, of the tree; the seeds grow along inside the ovary after the flower is pollinated and the ovary begins to swell.
Answer by samleng (11)
A seed is grown as the apple grows. When the apple is ripe, the seed inside the core is also ready to sprout to life, given moisture, nutrients and sunlight.
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