


Question by  CatLover43 (8)

How does yeast grow?


Answer by  bes7252 (34)

Yeast is a single-celled fungus that eats sugar and produces Ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide gas. Wild yeast grow many places and are literally blowing around in the breeze. They prefer to grow in a warm, moist location and must have food. Common uses are browsing beer and making bread.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Yeast grows like any other microorganism fungi, by eating. Yeast uses sugar for energy and breaks it down, producing alcohol. Yeast reproduces through budding, an asexual method where the single cell yeast organism splits into two yeast organisms.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Yeast lives by consuming sugars and converting them into alcohol and c02. While doing this it produce new yeast as the old dies off.


Answer by  cody (1331)

yeast grows good when it has carbohydrates to feed off form like potato's wet grains and it grows better in hotter conditions

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