

Question by  robertamarambaia (12)

How do you unclog a garbage disposal?


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

Use a cleaning detergent like drain-o. Pour the liquid down the disposal, let it sit for several minutes, and then run the disposal with water running through it to unclog.


Answer by  csaw (100)

I have put the stopper in the other side of the sink and then turned on the disposal with the water running. The stopper will make the pressure higher and push the clog through. It may take a few times of putting the stopper in and out. My plumber told me ablout this and it works.


Answer by  Druberman (19)

The first step to unclogging a garbage disposal is to make sure it is unplugged. Usually there is a cord for the disposal under the sink. After you verify that the unit does not have power, you can try using a gloved hand or water and a plunger.


Answer by  Zox (82)

Try to pour down the disposal one third of a cup of white vinegar and also one third of a cup of any brand of baking soda and let it sit for a while. Once you have let it settle in try and use a plunger to get the blockage out.


Answer by  abby87 (40)

Turn off the power and check the grinding chamber for any objects that shouldnt be there like a coin. If you have something like this duck tape on the end of a pencil can help remove if, if its a steel object then use a magnet.

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