health conditions


Question by  5quid (31)

How do you treat mouth warts?


Answer by  linsm (898)

A physician may use liquid Nitrogen to freeze the wart or cauterize (burn) the surrounding tissues for easy removal of the wart.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

This can be a venereal disease and you should see a doctor, where they will be removed and biopsied. These can spread so you should do this right away. They have to be tested to find out what they are and how to proceed.


Answer by  Amie1084 (181)

The only treatment for warts that are found on the inside of your mouth or in the throat is usually laser surgery. Using a local anaesthesia, the laser locates, burns and kills the infected cells. Seeing as this is a slightly invasive procedure, you can expect discomfort and mild pain.

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