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Question by  Cooper (24)

How do you take care of newborn birds?


Answer by  dpboris (383)

You mean a pet bird or have you found a wild bird? For pet birds, you should best try to find a book or internet article on the subject and work from there. For wild birds, either replace it in the nest or get the bird to a wildlife rehab.


Answer by  hankadoo (148)

To take care of newborn birds, keep them warm in a contained, incubated environment and hand feed them baby bird formula with a syringe often.


Answer by  runningdogs (57)

Newborn birds should be kept with their mothers for the first few weeks until their eyes open. Once their eyes are open they can be taken away and hand raised so that they are tame. The birds can be hand fed with a syringe and bird food formula. They also need a source of heat.


Answer by  les59 (852)

You need to keep them warm, you can use a heat lamp or other light to do this, and you have to hand feed them with a eye dropper until they are old enough to eat solid food like seed or millet. Give them lots of attention, and handle them often so they view you as their mother.

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