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car repairs


Question by  lawsj12 (34)

How do you replace the fog light bulb in a Subaru Legacy?


Answer by  dee73 (1062)

You need to pull the car up on ramps, disconnect the battery. Climb up under the car on the side where the fog lights go.Twist the collar counter clock wise to remove it.Pull straight back to remove the bulb,should come out easy.Do not touch the new bulb with your fingers the grease will break the bulb, place new one.


Answer by  MechMan3 (885)

This is easy. Put the car on ramps. disconnect the battery. slide underneath the car on the side that the fog light bulb goes in to. remove the collar (should be black) by twisting is counter clockwise. the bulb should pull straight back. Do not touch glass of the bulb (new) with your fingers or you will destroy it.


Answer by  jkareckygmailcom (85)

There should be an access door in the front lower valance. If not, you must remove the lower valance cover to replace the fog light bulb. If you can get the car up on a lift you may be able to squeeze your arm in from beneath. Get the correct bulb from the dealer.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

You need to get behind the light to access the bulb. Most have clips that you pop out or screws. Then remove the bulb holder and replace the bulb.


Answer by  RANJAN43 (26)

it's a simple procedure to replace the fog light bulb in a Subaru's fog lamps are locked from the inner of the trying through the mudguard hole it can be doen

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