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Question by  butterfly (43)

How do you replace the blades on a Kitchenaid food chopper?


Answer by  Inked (278)

It helps to check if you have a service plan with Kitchenaid since they're a big company. See if you can't get replacement blades from the company.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer. Either call their 1-800 number or go to their website. They can tell you how to purchase replacement parts.


Answer by  Chiyamaka (846)

If the blade has become dull, then you most likely need a new chopper. Replacing it is dangerous and wont work.


Answer by  JohnDoe55 (5)

Look real carefully at the top of the blade assembly you will see a seam. Using a thin screwdriver remove the cap. You now have access to the drive shaft...then slowly removed the blades.

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