car repairs


Question by  worker4161 (16)

How do you replace a Range Rover light?


Answer by  Shancrela (93)

It is as simple as replacing any other light on a vehicle. You need to remove the bulb from the housing by removing screws. Then replace.


Answer by  ben43 (121)

you need to pull the bulb out of it socket. Do this by grabbing the back of the bulb and twisting it. that should pop it out of its housing. And put the new one in.


Answer by  nmares (9)

I would start by looking at the instruction manual. Find in the index where replacing lights falls. Figure out why type of light that you need. Take a trip to the local auto store and find the right bulb. Ask someone there they can look it up quickly for you.


Answer by  Leon7 (7)

well , i think you just remove the old light and in his place you put the new one , how hard can it be ? i don't know that

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