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How do I remove an automatic transmission from My Honda CRX?
How do you get rid of an automatic email reply on outlook?
How do you remove a transmission from a Harley?
How many miles will an automatic transmission last?
What could be wrong if my automatic transmission will not shift from first to second gear?
Why will my automatic transmission not go into reverse?
Why won't my car go in reverse?
car repairs how to
Question by ejkudelka (76) Loading Data Please wait...
I have a Honda SE.
Answer by Grag (452) Loading Data Please wait...
Jack the vehicle up. Take the driveshaft out. Put a jack up to the transmission, take the wires off and then unbolt it. May need to take supports off
Answer by LeonMMA (496) Loading Data Please wait...
well .... i don't know pretty much that car , but i can say from my experience , it is safe to go to a mechanic to remove it .
Answer by pryoplasm (444) Loading Data Please wait...
Doing any transmission work can be tricky, and automatic transmissions especially. You can try your best if you get a manual for the vehicle and it covers it, but your best bet would be visiting a professional.
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