

Question by  brittany34 (26)

How do you pop an eardrum?

I want to warn my kids because they are always doing crazy things to shock me.


Answer by  shoog (38)

I have always tought that extremely loud noises could pop an eardrum if you mean rupture. An extemely bad ear infection may "pop" it.


Answer by  Feasel (1766)

Normally your ears will pop if there's a sudden change in pressure by changing altitude or yawning. Its normally harmless as long as they don't provoke it by slamming their hands to their ears all the time. But its much harder to do on your own than it just occurring naturally.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

Any maneuver that forces air into the ear canal could pop the eardrum. The 'classic' is hands clapped on someone's ears. It may comfort you to know that eardrums can heal themselves. You might want to check with your pediatrician as well. Good Luck.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Loud noises are known to overload and expand the fragile thin membranes within the ear. Once the eardrum has burst it may be repaired but the amount of hearing available is limited.


Answer by  edog (128)

One of the primary ways is to provoke the ears with a loud, sharp sound, such as intense screaming into the ear, or generally anything loud. You should definitely warn your kids about such activity, as prevention is key to not popping the eardrum. If need be, seek medical attention.


Answer by  Dturk (132)

Eardrum damage is quite common, some reasons include: too high sounds (explosions, building, loud music), and things that increase the pressure in this delicate area.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Eardrums can 'pop' or be punctured simply from pressure being put on it in odd ways that it's not meant to handle. This causes the eardrum to bleed, and can be pretty scary. It can even cause permanent damage to hearing. Q-tips are dangerous for this also.


Answer by  Lorah (114)

Only way this can happen is by strong pressure that forces into the ear. Usualy by driving onto a hill very high up or by being on a plane.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

An eardrum can be popped if you are very close to a very loud noise, such as an airliner taking off or an explosion.


Answer by  Vanasatchy (816)

To pop up an ear drum one should hold ones nose and close ones mouth and blow like blowing out, it will pop ones ears. If there is infection or fluild drink alot of water to bring out the fluid.

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